I Moved To Wales

So since September I’ve moved to Wales and began studying for my masters in Ed Psych. I definitely took the long, complicated road to get here but better late than never I suppose. This is off the back of going to uni for my undergrad (studying psychology), dropping out after one term, going back to…

Spending Time Alone

I’ve been spending some time alone. At work on my lunch breaks I’ll sit outside with an iced coffee; sometimes my work friends will join me other times I’ll just sit there for a while myself. It’s nice. I’ve noticed this one rose growing by itself and some smaller pink and purple flowers I don’t…

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going To The Gym

Things i wish I knew before going to the gym. 1) Nobody cares about you. In respect, they’re only there for their own progress and are not bothered by you or what you do/don’t look like. Eyes are not all on you and as you get on with your workout, you’ll realise everyone else is…

How I Lost Almost 30 lbs in Weight

Disclaimer: this is a personal story but I’m sharing it in the hopes that it might help someone in some way. By no means am I saying to do these things but this is what worked for me. You know your body more than anyone else so be careful. Also, love yourself; wherever you are…

I’m Not Always A Good Person And Here’s Why.

I have a confession. I’m not always a good person. I do things that aren’t things that good people would do. But here’s the catch – I’m glad I do them. Before you jump to wild conclusions, I’m not a bad person either. I regard myself as a good being and I try to do…

Are Blue Light Glasses Worth it?

Disclaimer: this is not an AD. I’m not being paid what so ever – though if the company would like to reach out, feel free to do so by all means. I purchased blue light glasses a couple of months ago to see how it would help me. I have chronic migraines, which can largely…

I’m In My 20s And Feel Like I’m Running Out Of Time.

As soon as you hit your 20s, there seems to be an overwhelming sense of time running out. Suddenly (yet, gradually) over the former years of your 20’s are you met with an unavoidable, distractingly nagging sense of pressure. You’ll find yourself at that stage at some point, regardless of what that form takes. Quarter-life…

Shreddy Review: My Honest Thoughts On GraceFit App

GraceFitUK launched a fitness app and I gave it a go. I’m a fan of her workouts, her work and products and generally how she conducts herself as a fitness model/entrepreneur. Given said that, it won’t sway my review or opinions on the fitness app. So, a few short weeks ago, I completed (one phase)…

No Justice No Peace.

There’s a plague and pandemic we’re continuously facing in our world at the minute; and it’s racism. I feel so much pain and anger in my heart with all that is going on. With all that is circulating within society, the media, in the United States and as well as at home here within the…

Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race

Award-winning writer and journalist Reni Eddo-Lodge wrote Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race – addressing her deeply founded, and imo, valid frustration by the way in which notions of racism were being discussed and conversations were led by those who were not, are not affected by it. This was undoubtedly, one of the…