No Sleep for Over 24 Hours

If you’re a student and haven’t, at any given point, needed to pull an all-nighter, I have one burning question. How?

If you miraculously haven’t (and I sincerely applaud you for having your life together). One thing I can tell you now is, overall – it’s not a pleasant feeling. And I would know, I’ve pulled off several.

There’s this shift from a ‘high’ euphoric feeling (which only lasts a few short hours – if that) to feeling weak and ugh. But before this, it’s a kind of buzz you get from drinking too much coffee or if you’re immune to coffee like me, then rather like you’ve stepped out of a speeding car.

(I quickly searched this and apparently it was found that ‘the pleasure circuitry got a big boost after a missed night’s sleep.’) Hence the feeling of euphoria and increased energy. Oddly, I found that getting no sleep made my face look more awake and fresh. Not a beauty hack.

But eventually, it shifts to a feeling like the laziest, fattest devil is sat on your shoulders, dragging you from place to place. Mentally you’re unable to follow a sequence of orders properly. As least I felt like I couldn’t. I remember trying to get through the day on no sleep (over more than 24 hours) I went to get myself a coffee frap from Starbucks and I just fuzzed out. Not in a crazy-serious way but my sense of presence and articulation had decreased by that stage.

I just felt like my brain was in slow motion. I was there but not really. I stood in line for a minute or two deciding what I wanted, and by the time I was asked what I wanted, I said the wrong thing. Tried to correct it but even the staff looked at my confusion with even more confusion. I’m also a generally indecisive person when It comes to food etc so this wasn’t helping lol. The best way to describe this is feeling s p a c e d o u t.

I wanted to sleep because I knew I needed it to feel right, but by that point, I couldn’t just attain it. I had passed the window for when my body would have allowed me to sleep, and so I was to wait until my body really started craving some sleep again.

That was at 1 am that night. 


18 Comments Add yours

  1. Carleen says:

    This article is one of the best articles I have ever read.

    Congratulations to the author, I distributed the article to my friends.
    I want to be helpful and share how I got rid of sleep problems,
    maybe help someone:
    Good Luck!


  2. As a chronic insomniac I can assert that the euphoric period is firmly from 6-8 and then the world feels like a spinning top or you’re crushed under a door 🎉


    1. Faye says:

      It’s such an odd feeling! Never actually want to experience it again but being a student, I’m sure another night will come!


  3. thebookprophet says:

    Once when I was younger (maybe 6-8?) I couldn’t fall asleep one night so I stayed up all night but the next night I crashed haha. I was probably up for about 30+ hours.
    Loved reading this by the way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Faye says:

      Oh my god, as a kid that young I don’t know how you done it. My mind just fuzzed out! Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thebookprophet says:

        Me neither! It was before I started drinking coffee so it had nothing to do with that… I honestly still don’t know how I was able to manage that

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Faye says:

        At that young age, I would’ve thought it’s near to impossible to stay awake for the whole night aha

        Liked by 1 person

      3. thebookprophet says:

        I did too but then it just happened

        Liked by 1 person

  4. xhighlandbeauty says:

    Unfortunately I work nightshift whilst looking after 2 kids during the day so sleep is a thing of the past for me, but I can totally under the feeling sluggish part when the euphoria dies down, its horrible 😦
    Loving your style of writing, it’s nothing ive seen before!

    Heather xox


    1. Faye says:

      I don’t know how you manage to keep up, but credit to you!! Thank you so so much, that genuinely means a lot to mean 🙂


  5. I really like your style of writing – you’re so personable and likeable! Really enjoyed this piece – more than I enjoy all nighters that for sure!

    I’ll definitely be reading more of your stuff! Xo


    1. FyzaZubs says:

      Thank you! I really appreciate it x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah I hate nights like that, unless i’m out partying! I didn’t go to uni but I definitely have felt like that on nights where i’ve needed to finish things off for work etc. Horrible feeling, how long of uni do you have left?


    1. Faye says:

      Haha it’s such a draining feeling! I’ve finished my first year, so got two more to go!


  7. I love your writing style! I completely relate to this as well, I struggle with both insomnia and chonic fatigue so it’s a constant battle of exhaustion and not being able to sleep, it sucks xD

    Becca xo


    1. FyzaZubs says:

      Thank you so much! I feel tired all the time, even if/when I get a full 8 hours sleep! The struggle is real aha x


  8. I agree most I have done is about 28 hours without sleep, turned into a grump 🙂 the joys of university and working all nighter. interesting and informative post. Good work!


    1. FyzaZubs says:

      It’s such an indescribable feeling, I don’t think i’ve done the actuality of it any justice. I’ve just finished my first year so ive got two long years filled with allnighters ahead of me. Thank you!


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